Sylvia Adu
Name: Sylvia AduDR Slyvia Adu
Phone: +233 (0) 277452803; +233 (0) 249158325 +233 (0) 249158325
Department: Wood Processing and Marketing Department
Office: Wood Processing and Marketing Department
Office Hours: By Appointment
Address: Department of Wood Processing and Marketing
Faculty of Forest Resources Technology,College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana
Brief Info
Dr. Sylvia Adu is a Research Fellow at the Department of Wood Processing and Marketing, Faculty of Forest Resources Technology since 2006 with expertise in Sawmilling & Machining and Timber Grading. She holds BSc. and MSc. degrees in Natural Resources Management and Wood Technology and Industrial Management respectively from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. She has been a member of the Society of Wood Science and Technology in U.S.A. since January 2014.
Click here to view full profile
Major Responsibilities
- Teaching
- Research
- Service to the Community
Undergraduate Courses:
- WPM 266 Forest Products Utilization
- WPM 351Wood Anatomy and Wood Identification
- WPM 355 Wood Drying
- WPM 356 Sawmilling and Machining
- WPM 358 Saw Doctoring and Tooling
- WPM 458 Timber Grading and Marketing
- WPM 452 Veneer and Plywood Production
Graduate Courses (Under development):
- Upholstery Technology
- Knock-Down Furniture Technology
- Bamboo and Rattan Technology
Research Interests
Research areas include Industrial Safety, Assessment of sitting office furniture in the Ghanaian market, Wood Residue Management and basic research in Wood Science.
Current Research
Wood residue generation and utilization: the technical, economic and environmental mix for some selected sawmills in Brong Ahafo and Ashanti regions, Ghana.
- Adu, S., Adu, G., Frimpong-Mensah, K., Antwi-Boasiako, C., Effah, B. and Adjei, S. (2014). Maximizing Wood Residue Utilization and Reducing its Production Rate to Combat Climate Change. International Journal of Plant and Forestry Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 2: 1 -12
- Adu, S., Adu, G., Frimpong-Mensah, K., Adjei, S. and Effah, B. (2014). The Potential Effect of Cogeneration System in Combating Climate Change. World Journal of Agricultural & Biological Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 1: 1 - 9
- Adu, G., Adu, S., Effah, B., Frimpong-Mensah, K. and Darkwa, N. A. (2014). Office Furniture Design – Correlation of Worker and Chair Dimensions. International Journal of Science and Research, Vol. 3, No. 3: 709 – 715
- Adu, G., Adu, S., Effah, B. and Anokye, R. (2014). Anthropometric evaluation of public institution sitting furniture designs. World Journal of Science and Technology Research, Vol. 2, No. 1: 1-15 ISSN: 2329 - 3837
- Antwi, K., Effah, B., Adu, G. and Adu. S. (2014). Strength and some Physical Properties of Allanblackia Parviflora for Furniture Production in Ghana. International Journal of Science and Technology, 4(1): 1 – 8
Journal Articles
- Sylvia Adu , George Adu, Kwasi Frimpong-Mensah, Charles Antwi-Boasiako, Bernard Effah and Simeon Adjei (2014). Maximizing Wood Residue Utilization and Reducing its Production Rate to Combat Climate Change. International Journal of Plant and Forestry Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 2: 1 -12
- Sylvia Adu, George Adu, Kwasi Frimpong-Mensah, Simeon Adjei and Bernard Effah (2014). The Potential Effect of Cogeneration System in Combating Climate Change. World Journal of Agricultural & Biological Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 1: 1 - 9
- George Adu, Sylvia Adu, Bernard Effah, Kwasi Frimpong-Mensah and Nicholas Albert Darkwa (2014). Office Furniture Design – Correlation of Worker and Chair Dimensions. International Journal of Science and Research, Vol. 3, No. 3: 709 – 715
- George Adu, Sylvia Adu, Bernard Effah and Rogerson Anokye (2014). Anthropometric evaluation of public institution sitting furniture designs. World Journal of Science and Technology Research, Vol. 2, No. 1: 1-15 ISSN: 2329 - 3837
- Antwi, K., Effah, B., Adu, G. and Adu. S. (2014). Strength and some Physical Properties of Allanblackia Parviflora for Furniture Production in Ghana. International Journal of Science and Technology, 4(1): 1 – 8
Conference Presentations and Workshop
- Adjei, S., Adu, S. and Adu, G. (2013). The potential effect of Cogeneration system in combating climate change. . Proceedings of Organization of Women scientist for the developing World (OWSD). 2nd Africa Regional Conference, Tyco City Hotel – Sunyani, Ghana. October 15 – 18, 2013. Pp 49
- Adu, S., Adu, G. and Adjei, S. (2013). Maximizing wood residue utilization and reducing its production rate to combat climate change. Proceedings of Organization of Women scientist for the developing World (OWSD). 2nd Africa Regional Conference, Tyco City Hotel – Sunyani, Ghana. October 15 – 18, 2013. Pp 31
- Adu, S., Tekpetey, S., Oware, F.C. and Adu, G. (2013). Mechanical strength properties of Bambusa vulgaris and Bambusa vultaris var viltata for enhanced utilization in Ghana. Proceedings of 67th International Convention, Austin Texas. June 9 -11, 2013.
- Adu, S. and Adu, G. (2011): Safety Measures in Wood Processing, an Important Component for Entrepreneurship - A case study in a Local Furniture Industry at the 1st International Conference of Entrepreneurship Educators, Researchers and Entrepreneurs in Africa by The Institute of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development (IEED) of Kumasi Polytechnic at Anita Hotel (Akyakrom). 28th – 30th, 2011. Pp 46-47
- Adu, G. and Adu, S. (2011): The Entrepreneur in Office Furniture Business: Some Critical Technical issues to consider at the 1st International Conference of Entrepreneurship Educators, Researchers and Entrepreneurs in Africa by The Institute of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development (IEED) of Kumasi Polytechnic at Anita Hotel (Akyakrom). 28th – 30th, 2011. Pp 42-43
- Adu, G. and Adu, S. (2011): The Role of a Furniture Designer in an Entrepreneurial Environment at the 1st International Conference of Entrepreneurship Educators, Researchers and Entrepreneurs in Africa by The Institute of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development (IEED) of Kumasi Polytechnic at Anita Hotel (Akyakrom). 28th – 30th, 2011. Pp 53-54
Appointments/Employment Records & Positions Held
- March 2006 – Date: Research Fellow. Faculty of Forest Resources Technology. Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology.
- August 2011 - Date: Head, Department of Wood Processing & Marketing, KNUST
- August 2006 - Date: Member - Students’ Industrial (field) Attachment programme at the Faculty of Forest Resources Technology – KNUST.
Any others Responsibilities
- 2012 -2013: Curriculum development (Wood Science and Forest Products Option) for University of Energy and Natural Resources (UENR) – Chairperson. 2013
- 2012 -2013: 2013 Organization of Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD). 2nd Africa Regional Conference Planning Committee – Member (2013)
- 2012 -2013: Committee to revitalize the UENR Sawmill – Member (Wood Scientist) (2013)
- 2012 -2013: Academic Board, UENR – Member (2012-2013 Academic Year)
- 2012 -2013: Faculty Board, UENR – Member (2012-2013 Academic Year)
- 2012 -2013: Department of Forest Products and Wood Science (UENR) – Ag. Head (2012- 2013 Academic Year)
- 2012 -2013: A Talk to UENR Students “How to succeed in the University” – 22/11/12.
- 2011- Date: Head, Wood Processing & Marketing Department, KNUST
- 2011 -Date: College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANR) Board, KNUST- Member.
- 2011 -Date: Students Industrial Attachment Committee, FFRT, KNUST – Member
- 2011 -Date: Sandwich Coordinating Committee. FFRT, KNUST – Member
- 2011 – 2013: Sawmill / Plantation Committee. FFRT, KNUST - Member
- 2011 - 2012: Procurement Committee. FFRT, KNUST - Chairperson
- 2008 – Date: Faculty Board. FFRT, KNUST- Member
- 2007 - Date: Academic Tutor to some students of FFRT-KNUST
- 2006 – 2009: Environmental Education Programme (Management Team Member)