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The courses in the Department are practical-oriented to give the students hands-on training, application of theories to identify problems and propose solutions. As result, the Department has a field training station at Brosankro near Tepa (about 60 km from Kumasi) where practical training of students in forestry and related fields is done in the course of their studies. In addition, the Department runs a full first-semester industrial attachment course for the final year students. Under this programme the students are attached to over 32 private and public natural resource related institutions across the country to expose them to the work environment, hone their skills and enhance their problem-solving abilities.

The Department currently runs BSc. Forest Resources Technology with four (4) options namely:

  1. Ecotourism and Forest Recreation
  2. Land Reclamation and Rehabilitation
  3. Social Forestry
  4. Wood Processing and Marketing


All students take the same courses in the first and second years, then choose their preferred option (above) in the third year.