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Mr. Osei Owusu Antobre

LecturerImage removed.

Phone: +233-208196241Antobre
Department: Land Reclamation & Rehabilitation
Office: Faculty of Forest Resources Technology
Office Hours: By Appointment
Address:  Faculty of Forest Resources Technology - KNUST

Brief Info

Mr. Osei Owusu Antobre is a Lecturer at the Department of Land Reclamation & Rehabilitation since 2011 with expertise in Forestry. He received his Master of Science (Environmental Resources Management) in 2010. He has a broad training in Natural Resources Management.

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He Holds:

  • Master of Science, Environmental Resources Management – KNUST (2007-2010)
  • Bachelor of Science, Natural Resources Management – KNUST (2003-2006)
  • Diploma, Natural Resources Management – KNUST (1999-2002)
  • Certificate in Forestry – SCHOOL OF FORESTRY, Sunyani (1991-1994)

Major Responsibilities

  • Teaching
  • Research 
  • Service to the Community


Undergraduate Courses:

  • WMP 266: Forest Products Utilization, WPM 352: Logging & Harvesting,
  • WPM 354: Forest Road, Machinery & Construction,
  • LRR 151: Land Surveying I
  • LRR 160: Land Surveying II,
  • LRR 357: Forest Measurement and Inventories

Research Interests:

  • Assessment of the above ground tree carbon of the FFRT Fuel wood Plantation.

Current Research

  • Carbon dynamics in a tropical forest


  • Sam F.K, Amartei A.M, Osei-Owusu B. and Antobre O.O. (2013). Female leadership stereotypes: The perception of the leadership of female heads of senior high schools in Ashanti region. (Published in Educational Research (ISSN: 2141-5161) Vol. 4(10) pp. 702-709)
  • K.A. Nkyi, W. Oduro, Antobre O.O. (2009).The inter-relationship between angle of inclination, height and number of sprouted Teak (Tectona grandis) stumps. (Published in Journal of Applied Science and Technology (ISSN: 0855-2215), vol. 14, nos. 1 & 2, 2009, pp 85-90)


  • Antwi, L.B.; J.R.Ackah; O.O.Antobre and A.B.Afrifa (2006). Training Programme for FC/MOFA Staff on modified Taungya System. College of Renewable Natural Resources – KNUST.

Journal Articles

  • Sam F.K, Amartei A.M, Osei-Owusu B. and Antobre O.O. (2013). Female leadership stereotypes: The perception of the leadership of female heads of senior high schools in Ashanti region. (Published in Educational Research (ISSN: 2141-5161) Vol. 4(10) pp. 702-709)
  • K.A. Nkyi, W. Oduro, Antobre O.O. (2009).The inter-relationship between angle of inclination, height and number of sprouted Teak (Tectona grandis) stumps. (Published in Journal of Applied Science and Technology (ISSN: 0855-2215), vol. 14, nos. 1 & 2, 2009, pp 85-90)

Conference Presentations and Workshop

  • July, 2013 - Workshop on “ Getting External Funds For Your Research” - by the Office of Grants & Research - Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Kumasi-Ghana
  • July, 2013 - Workshop on “ Fundamentals of Research Administration” - by the Office of Grants & Research - Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Kumasi-Ghana
  • August – September, 2012 - Protection and Management of Natural Reserves for Developing Countries, Xining, Qinghai, P.R.  China. Organised by Qinghai International Center for Economic Cooperation Promotion.
  • July, 2012 - PhD Proposal Writing - Noda Hotel, Kumasi – Ghana, organised by Tropenbod International- Ghana (TBI) and University of Armsterdam (UvA)
  • March, 2012 - Introduction to eLibrary USA,  Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources - Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology, Kumasi-Ghana.
  • October, 2009 - Forest Law Enforcement in Ghana, impact on Forest degradation and Climate Change. Eusbett Hotel, Sunyani - Ghana. Organized by Ghana Institute of Forestors.
  • October, 2007 - The State of Ghana’s Forest Heritage 50 years after Independence from Colonial Administration, Greenland Hotel – Accra, Ghana. Organized by Ghana Institute of Forestors.
  • July, 2004 - Natural Resource Management in Ghana: Challenges to Professionalism.  Wood Industries Training Center - Akyawkrom, Ghana. Organized by Ghana Institute of Forestors.
  • February, 1999 - The Role of FORIG in National Plantation Development. Fumesua, Kumasi. Organized by Forestry Research Institute of Ghana.

Appointments/Employment Records & Positions Held

  • Coordinator - Students’ Industrial (field) Attachment programme @ Faculty of Forest Resources Technology – KNUST from 08/2006 to date.
  • Departmental Examination Officer - the Department of Land Reclamation & Rehabilitation of Faculty of Forest Resources Technology – KNUST from 08/2010 to date.
  • Member – Welfare Committee of Faculty of Forest Resources Technology – KNUST from 08/2009 to 08/2011
  • Coordinator - Students’ Industrial (field) Attachment programme @ Faculty of Forest Resources Technology – KNUST from 08/2006 to date.